DAY0 – anarcha-queerfeminist networking and organising
after much thoughts on how to best organize day0, we came to an approximate program we want to share with you (you can find the final program here). there are many questions worth of discussion, many updates to be exchanged and many practices we want to learn. since the day has not enough hours for us to address all the topics, we decided to instead offer space where groups and individuals can connect in order to strengthen the struggles locally, regionally and transnationally. we want to learn from each other by exchanging practices, proposals and ask for support or feedback on issues we face.
we will start with a brunch at 11am, after that want to get to know each other through a short introductionary assembly. we would kindly ask you to prepare a few sentences about yourself and/or your groups and share as much you feel comfortable. we will continue with a moderated discussion on anarcha queer organizing with focus on “why” and “how” do we organize. in the afternoon we will open the topic of rape culture and how we deal with it starting off with a recent example from ljubljana and finish the day with demo training.
we will provide dinner and invite people to stay at our squat for a little hangout with drinks and music.
*** participation: please let us know if you plan to come by and how many people will join you, so we can prepare a bit better based on amount of people (food, assembly,…). please register for participation at day0 via email: anarchabab23(at)riseup(dot)net
*** location: day0 program will take place in a new anarcha queer squat p1312. the exact location of the place will be shared at the bab2023 infopoints.
can’t wait to meet you,
your local anarcha crowd
you can find all the information on DAY0 – anarcha-queerfeminist networking and organising here.