Imprisonment is for Burning, A Story About The Defence of a Forest and A Case for Dis-identification


Presentation and discussion

We are seeing a rise in repression and prison sentences, as well as global temperatures resulting from capitalist ecocide,  a harsh sentence of alleged assault and heavily bodily injury on cops, invites folks to strengthen our defence so as to prepare for these potential worst case scenarios, so as to go 100% in consensus with ourselves and affinity groups into the eye of the storm. What has been unique about this case is that for a year and a half in prison, Ella kept themselves completely anonymous, a tactic used against surveillance and repression, but also for the purpose of coming closer into alignment with a best case scenario, refusing the world of bureaucratic identities, borders, policing and everything that goes with it, and bringing forth a world defined by self determination, autonomy and mutual aid. This is an offering to make this a strategy in each and every one of our lives, because we are all living somewhat imprisoned and need to confront the bars of our cage.

For total liberation, until all are free!