Cluster discussion
With the rise of the Fortress Europe, we are observing an ongoing externalization of its borders and with it an increase of surveillance and militarization of borders. Criminalization of migrants and solidarity networks are in rise. In this discussion, we would like to collect different practices of fighting borders and all forms of state control over migration, especially on the topics listed below. Three collectives Ambasada Rog (Ljubljana), Stop War on Migrants (Thessaloniki) and Solidarity with Migrants (Athens) will prepare an input, but there will be space to share experiences and practices of resistance.
1) Fight against confinement in both detention centres and prisons. After recent state crime at Pylos (Greece) in which more than 600 people died on the sinking ship from Egypt to Italy, 9 survivors were arrested for smuggling. This shift of the responsibility from European migration policy to people-on-the-move is one of the systemic war practice. Also in Slovenia there is an extremely high number of imprisoned foreigners accused of smuggling people. Needless to say, this worsens the situation not only for (alleged) smugglers but for all migrants and also for solidarity assistance to cross borders. What is the situation in various Balkan countries? Are there any knowledge (researches etc.) and concrete struggles on the crossroads of prison, migration and class issue?
Besides criminal law and regular prisons everywhere in the Balkan countries, Europe and globally, exist parallel systems of migrant detention centres (administrative prisons) resembling legal structure of concentration camps. How to develop relationships and be in touch with people in detention centres? What strategies and knowledges are important to fight detention centres?
2) Fight against Dublin and other deportations. Under Dublin regulation people are treated as objects by the states. Instead of getting international protection, they are objects of forced migration conducted by European states. What are tactics and campaigns against Dublin and other deportations we are engaged in? How can people, affected by deportations, protect themselves? What works best to prevent deportations?
3) Fight against push-backs. European war on migrants results in dead, injured and traumatized persons on daily basis. All Balkan states are involved in torture, violence, push-backs and letting people die in the sea, rivers and in the mountains, also with help of Frontex (its annual budged in 2022 was 754,375,142 Euros). After the recent tragedy of ship going from Libya to Italy where more than 600 people died, protests in Greece to condemn the Coast guard and Frontex, followed. What can be learned from Greek struggle for the right to live, to be rescued, to open the borders for all? How to commemorate deaths of many thousands in the European war against migrants? How to prevent dying in the sea, rivers, in the mountains?
4) Fight against evictions of migrants’ squatted homes. Since 2015 in Athens alone more then 10.000 refugees found their shelter in self-organized squats. How to raise support in wider community and how to protect our homes against evictions? What can be learned from mutual anarchists-migrants struggles? What are the challenges and victories?
5) Fight against everyday borders and institutional racism. Since the past years, police checks in Athens and other cities have become state pogrom against black and brown people. During the so-called “sweeping operation” the Greek police arrested hundreds of people bringing them to police stations and then confine them in detention centres. How common struggle can be organised between people who are subjected to a racialised “migrant” condition and those who are considered “local”?
Inputs by:
- Ambasada Rog (Ljubljana)
- Stop War on Migrants (Thessaloniki)
- Solidarity with Migrants (Athens)
- Initiative for Total Army Objection (Athens): [ written input: Migrated War ]
and others (open for your participation)