Antipolitika #3 on nationalism, Yugoslav Anti-War Movement brochure and Balkan Network History brochure


Presentation of publications

We are happy to be able to present to you three publications that have come out this year:

  • the third issue of the Antipolitika journal about nationalism in the Balkans and in general as well as our critique thereof,
  • the German translation of two important texts about the anarchist anti-war activities in 1990’s Croatia and Serbia,
  • a multilingual book about the history of the anarchist network in the Balkans, from the 1980’s exile and underground over the 1990’s anti-war movement up until the book fairs and joint actions from the 2000’s onwards.

Antipolitika is an anarchist journal from the Balkans and was launched in 2016. The two later brochures have been published with the support of Antipolitika.

Presentation by Antipolitika and friends.