Cluster discussion Balkan Anarchists against War will take place on Saturday, 8th of July at 16:00. As already announced this discussion is being prepared by comrades of Balkan Anarchist Network and will be opened by speakers from different groups and organizations that are part of it.
With this discussion we are aiming at creating a space where as Balkan Anarchists we can articulate our analysis and perspectives on the issues of war and militarization, try to synthesize them, build common positions and articulate them as practical proposals for future organization of solidarity and resistance against war, militarization, nationalism and patriarchy in the Balkans and everywhere.
We don’t understand this discussion as a starting point of the process but as a consistent continuation of discussion and organization around this topic that is taking place in the anarchist and anti-authoritarian movement in the Balkans for many years and is regular part of the political processes at Balkan Anarchist Bookfairs.
Below you can find written inputs for the discussion by the participating groups and organizations:
- Anarcho-syndicalist initiative (Serbia): Theses on the war in Ukraine
- Clandestina (Greece): Capital’s war in Ukraine
- Federation for anarchist organizing (Slovenia/Croatia): Your Wars – Our Dead
- Qendra Sociale Komuna and Grupi Anarko-Sindikalist i Prishtinës (Kosovo): Input from Kosovo
- Initiative for total army objection (Greece): Total Refusal to enlist in their War and Peace